Cahersiveen and Irish Healthcare: Day 15 – Ireland 2014
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23 April 2014

Have I mentioned Irish hospitality? Yes? Well…are you ready for another dose? Because this one is just as awesome.
Billy woke up still feeling awful. He knew he had a sinus infection (he usually gets one every other year or so), and he knew he would need antibiotics. Neither of us had insurance and neither of us had been to a doctor in a foreign country before. As the establishment’s proprietor brought us our breakfast, we asked if there was a doctor in town. He said that yes, there were two, and he would call both to see when they opened and if they would see us.
This guy was the best! He called around, got opening times, came back to us, and gave us a full report. He told us which doctor he recommended and gave us directions to it. It wasn’t far, only a few blocks down the main road. So come with us on our quick and wonderful journey through the Irish healthcare system!
Off To The Doctor
When we walked into the doctor’s office, a woman was seated at a desk behind a window. She asked us what was wrong, so we informed her, also heavily emphasizing that we didn’t have insurance and were from out of the country. She then waved us towards the waiting room and told us to have a seat and they’d be with us shortly. We were the only ones there and so sat down together. As other people slowly filed in, I realized that the woman had never taken our names. How would they know who we were?
We waited for maybe ten minutes or so. The waiting room started to fill and you could tell that no one was feeling well. We were startled to hear something come over what we thought was a loudspeaker. Looking up, we realized it was a phone with the speaker button permanently pressed, mounted on the wall above the door we came through in the waiting room. The accent was thick and not Irish and we didn’t understand a thing it said. But after the voice went quiet, everyone in the room was looking at us. We stared back, thoroughly confused. After what felt like eons, the gentleman beside us leaned over and said, “You were here first, yes? It’s your turn.” He motioned towards the door.
These folks felt awful and yet they made sure we went first because we’d been there first! Ah-mazing people.
We said thank you and went out to the hall. Down to our left, a doctor had his head poked out of his door. He said good morning and waved us down to him. He was very nice and hailed from Poland. We explained Billy’s illness (and again, the no insurance thing), and then he checked Billy over. He agreed that it was likely a sinus infection and wrote us two prescriptions. Then he pointed us towards the lady at the window and said we could check out there. We were somewhat shocked that the appointment had been so short, but we thanked the nice doctor and went to the woman’s desk. She took our papers and said the most shocking thing ever: “Ok, that’ll be €35.”
I’m sorry, what?
REALLY?! That’s it?? Take my money!! We were so shocked at the low cost and simultaneously incredibly thankful. We had no idea what the cost was going to be and we were worried it would be a large chunk of our funds. Surprise! It was incredibly affordable. Irish healthcare step one; check!
Off To The Chemist
We stepped out into the sunshine, feeling better already due to the low bill, and headed back up the street towards the chemist (or pharmacy, as we call it in the states). Most chemist shops are marked with a large green cross (or plus sign +), just in case you’re looking for one while in Ireland.
Upon walking to the back of the store to the pharmacy counter, we noticed there was only one chair for someone to wait in. We turned in the prescriptions, the pharmacist said it would be a few minutes, and I told Billy to sit, that I’d look around until the meds were ready. I didn’t even make it halfway down the aisle I was on before the pharmacist called out that our prescriptions were ready. WHAT?! Two, maybe three, minutes?! Seriously?? And to top it off, both prescriptions came to less than €24!
In total, our doctor and chemist visit took less than an hour and we spent less that €60. Irish healthcare for the win!!
The Skellig Islands
We were slated to go out to visit the Skellig Islands either that day or the next. However, the weather had other plans for us. While the days were sunny and gorgeous, the seas were rough and angry. Unfortunately for us, and quite a few other guests staying at the inn we were at, the boats weren’t running either day. So instead of trying to catch a boat, we spent the rest of the day resting. If you’d like to see photos from other folk’s visits, check out this page!
A Day Of Rest

As the afternoon warmed up, I left Billy to rest in the room and I took a wonderful stroll down the main street in Cahersiveen. Cahersiveen is a lovely little town. The buildings sport bright, happy colors and the sea air reaches into the quaint town. There are tons of shops along the main road and I went into each and every one! The people are nice, the atmosphere is pleasant, and we couldn’t have chosen a more picture-perfect town to get stranded in for a day.
My one regret? I stopped into a shop that sold homemade soaps and such. They had these awesome slate soap dishes and I REALLY wanted one. I talked myself out of it and to this day, I absolutely wish I had bought one. I guess we’ll have to go back!
Enjoy The Changes
When it comes down to it, this isn’t how we thought we’d spend the day. However, there is so much that you can’t control and you can find truly enjoyable moments if you just go with the changes and find a way to enjoy them. Not everything goes to plan (as you can see in a previous post as well), but sometimes you can have a really great detour. Who knew we’d get to see the Irish healthcare system up close and personal! Enjoy the changes!
Lydia and Billy